This implies respect, listening, and making room for dialogue. The other is always taken into account. Everyone's point of view should be considered as enriching the collective reflection.
Juridiction des Êtres Libres
A path to legal emancipation
The "Jurisdiction of Free Beings" is a concept of collective emancipation through the recognition of a legitimate jurisdiction.
is a concept of collective emancipation through the recognition of a legitimate jurisdiction.
In order for a jurisdiction to be recognised, it must be claimed in order for it to be applicable.
In order for a jurisdiction to be recognised, it must be claimed in order for it to be applicable. Like a collective agreement, the more Free Beings use this concept, the more competent this jurisdiction will be to defend their fundamental rights.
Defending fundamental rights
The ‘Jurisdiction of Free Beings’ is a key concept enabling each individual to claim their freedom by choosing the jurisdiction that corresponds to them, rather than having it imposed on them by illegitimate organisations.
This concept is based on a fundamental idea: every Free Being is, by default, subject to the jurisdiction of natural law (via Mother Nature, its creator(s) according to its convictions).
This intrinsic freedom also includes the right to choose a jurisdiction more suited to one's own aspirations.
Unlike traditional organisations, the Juridiction des Êtres Libres is neither an association, nor a collective, nor a structured organisation. It requires no formal membership, registration or external validation. Its strength lies in its simplicity and accessibility. Its strength lies in its simplicity and accessibility. This lack of formal structure means that anyone can adopt and promote the Jurisdiction of Free Beings without barriers, without borders and without belonging to any group. It is an open, unlabelled proposal that belongs to no-one and can be used by anyone.
By relying on this concept in large numbers, the Free Beings help to legitimise this jurisdiction on a large scale, reinforcing its weight and recognition.
By uniting around these principles, they can together assert their desire to escape jurisdictions that they consider illegitimate. This pooling creates a collective dynamic without the need to formalise an organisation. The greater the number of individuals who claim to belong to this jurisdiction, the greater its legitimacy and influence.
It's a simple and effective way of participating in collective emancipation, with principles that can be applied individually.
To take part in this initiative and contribute to its development, all you have to do is identify yourself as a member of the Jurisdiction of Free Beings. A guide and resources are available to enable everyone to identify with this jurisdiction.
This website plays a key role in guaranteeing the intentions and nature of the concept, providing a point of reference for those wishing to link or refer to this initiative.
To take part of this Jurisdiction, you must adhere to its charter, which guarantees the principles that will lead to its success.
The Jurisdiction of Free Beings is a clever initiative that offers an alternative to imposed jurisdictions. It enables everyone to claim their freedom of choice and emancipation from institutions deemed illegitimate, while creating a collective force through the pooling of claims. This open-access, unstructured concept, which belongs to everyone, is a powerful lever for those who aspire to collective emancipation.
The more this concept is adopted, the more impact it will have, reinforcing the recognition of the Jurisdiction of Free Beings throughout the world.
The Jurisdiction of Free Beings (JOFB) is a concept, as previously explained.
Free Beings wishing to bring this Jurisdiction to life have only a moral link. This moral link exists through their adherence to this charter and its principles.
Their commitment to this project is motivated solely by the possibility of collectively defending their fundamental rights as Free Living Beings.
Between Free Beings, there is no hierarchical, political, ethnic or religious recognition.
The development of this jurisdiction is the objective that takes precedence over any other principle.
The ideas set out on this website are only proposals and everyone is free to enrich them, make them evolve or do what they wish with them according to their own convictions, as long as this is in line with the present charter.
The Free Beings work above all through their personal responsibility and each one depends only on himself.
By participating in the development of this jurisdiction, the Free Beings commit themselves :
to honour the existence of this concept;
to exclude all forms of violence in their actions, whether physical or moral;
to respect the strictly peaceful nature of JOFB;
to show courtesy, respect and kindness towards all living beings;
not to use abusive, aggressive, defamatory, hateful, xenophobic or racist language;
to be open-minded;
to respect the confidentiality and privacy of others;
not to harm others in any way whatsoever;
to act with honour and without prejudice;
to respect the principles of Natural Law;
and to comply scrupulously with the terms of this charter, on pain of invalidating the steps taken via the Jurisdiction of Free Beings.
The values to be promoted are communicated by way of example and in a non-exhaustive manner in order to guarantee a healthy and exemplary environment.
These values include, but are not limited to, humanism, commitment and solidarity.
Humanism implies benevolence, commitment calls for exemplarity and solidarity translates into cooperation.
These values are the expression of a collective reflection around the concrete concern of offering a direction to the Jurisdiction of Free Beings.
This implies respect, listening, and making room for dialogue. The other is always taken into account. Everyone's point of view should be considered as enriching the collective reflection.
This consists of applying to oneself what is expected of others: it is integrity. It also means setting an example for others, without imposing anything on them, by doing things in a way that attracts support and encourages team cohesion.
This helps to develop the feeling of sharing a common project and to give meaning to everyone's tasks. Encouraging joint action contributes to team spirit, to the emergence of joint initiatives that strengthen support and the feeling of belonging. Cooperation means combining responsibilities, based on a clear and known definition of each person's aspirations.
Elements made available
To legitimise a Jurisdiction, many people need to use it. Here are a few suggested uses. The list is not exhaustive.
Dans un univers corporatif, le premier moyen de communication est la lettre. C’est ainsi que les Êtres Libres interagissent avec des entités fictives telles que des sociétés privées. De ce fait, il serait judicieux d’utiliser des lettres avec des en-têtes communs. Dans l’exemple ci-dessous, une lettre avec l’en-tête de la JOFB (logo + nom + site internet).
Integrate the logo wherever it makes sense:
In a corporate world, the second means of communication is the spoken word, when dealing with sworn agents. Mention the JOFB as your legitimate jurisdiction. You could also do this with your family and friends. The more people talk about it, the more the JOFB will become a reality.
It's up to you to be inventive and help spread this initiative in favour of Free Beings. Any means are good as long as they respect the JOFB charter.
IMPORTANT : The JOFB logo does not replace your organisation's logo!
At its side, it adds something that means that your organisation and the beings that make it up are working to set up the Jurisdiction of Free Beings.
Or click on the links below :
More ambitious and long-lasting than any organisational project, the JOFB aims for collective emancipation through individual responsibility.
What is the nature of the JOFB ?
Can we trust JOFB ?
How can the conduct of JOFB and those who apply its principles be certified? ?
How can I get involved in getting the JOFB recognised ?
Who's behind JOFB ?
Can I get in touch with JOFB ?